Who has insider-outsider ? Everyone has them. However, the strength of these kinds of feelings varies a great deal from person to person. Some people have little insider-outsider feeling and do not discriminate at all. Others have very strong insider feelings. They join organizations made up of people interested in criticizing or even harming those they consider outsiders. Sometimes these organizations have speakers who travel around encouraging listeners to discriminate against certain outsiders. They may also print newspaper or pamphlets (sometimes called "hate sheets") containing articles the writers hope will increase insider-outsider feelings.
These are extremes, of course. Most Americans have opinions and feelings somewhere in between.
Questions about what kind of people tend to have strong insider-outsider feelings are important. so are questions about the causes of such feelings. Better answers to these questions will eventually help to improve human relationship. But what is important at moment are the specific problems which result from these feelings --- the discrimination against certain people.
Following are several case studies and examples of discrimination in America.
As you read each piece, identify
1. The group discriminated against.
2. The problem being created by discrimination.
3. Reasons why the treatment of the outsider is unfair.
Social scientists often conduct surveys and experiments to find out more about discrimination.
In the early summer season several years age, two Northern newspapers carried advertisements for a total 100 different reports. A social scientist, S.L. Wax, tried and experiment. He wrote two letters to ...............
In the early summer season several years age, two Northern newspapers carried advertisements for a total 100 different reports. A social scientist, S.L. Wax, tried and experiment. He wrote two letters to ...............
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